看完一本書, 可以用來好好和孩子對話的五個新問題
通常,在讀完一本書後, 我們會問"你/妳喜歡這本書嗎?"
孩子回答喜歡或不喜歡後, 就 call it a day 今日到此為止!
文章作者提到, 別再老是問一些老掉牙的問題,
let's really get crazy (我愛這句!) and ask them something different
讓我們和孩子瘋狂一下, 問點不同的吧!
下回, 當孩子唸完一本書時, 試著問問這五個問題:
1.If you could give the book another title, what would it be?
如果你可以自己決定這本書的書名, 你會怎麼命名這本書?
2.Which characters would you like to meet in real life?
在你現實的世界裡, 書中的那一位角色是你希望遇到的?
3.What do you wish was different about the ending?
如果你可以改變故事結局, 你會怎樣改編它?
4.Would the book make a cool movie? Video game? TV show?
你覺得這本書可以拍成一部很棒的電影嗎? 或是改編成電玩? 還是電視劇呢?
5.What is one thing you could ask the author if you could talk to him or her?
如果您想要再更多點刺激, 也可以試試這二個問題:
- What do you think the author wants readers to remember most from this book? Or . . .
你覺得這本書的作者, 最期待讀者可以從這本書中學習到什麼? - Was there one big lesson you took away from this book?
文章出處: http://www.scholastic.com/parents/blogs/scholastic-parents-raise-reader/5-new-questions-to-ask-kids-about-books?cid=PAR/smd/20141027/facebook/rrblog5questionstoaskkidsaboutbooks//PAR/content/9am&linkId=10212895
5 NEW Questions to Ask Kids About Books
Often, when our kids finish a new book, our first question is "Did you like it?" or "Was it a good book?"
And our kids either answer "yep" or "nope" and that's it. We call it a day.
But I'm a firm believer in nudging our kids with questions that get them thinking—questions that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" answer. Books are a great way to open the door to conversation with our kids, and often as parents we don't capitalize on them quite enough.
So instead of asking our children the age-old questions about their books, let's mix it up a bit. Let's really get crazy and ask them something different.
Who knows where it could go. . .
Here are five questions to ask your child the next time he or she finishes a book:
1.If you could give the book another title, what would it be?
2.Which characters would you like to meet in real life?
3.What do you wish was different about the ending?
4.Would the book make a cool movie? Video game? TV show?
5.What is one thing you could ask the author if you could talk to him or her?
And just for kicks, asking something like,
- What do you think the author wants readers to remember most from this book? Or . . .
- Was there one big lesson you took away from this book?
Any way that we can get kids thinking in new ways about their reading is worth our time.