之前在 The Children's Book Review 網站看到一篇很有同感的文章, 和大家分享一下!
這篇文在探討繪本對孩子發展及成長所拌演的重要性為何, 其中規納出十點, 我把重點摘要成中文讓大家看看吧!
So why are picture books important? 繪本閱讀為何重要?
10. Chapter books are not necessarily more complex than picture books and in fact, their vocabulary and sentence structure can be considered simplistic when compared with older level picture books. Many picture books are written at a higher reading level, use amazingly complex vocabularies and offer interesting plots.
這是我相當有感的一點, 真的重點放read to learn 的繪本故事書, 內容不論是單字或句型有不少都比chapter books (繪本的下一個階段)還來的困難, 我個人是覺得很合理也非常好, 因為要先把地基打穩了, 再 move on 是非常合情合理吧, 所以繪本讀得夠多, 前往下一個 chapter books 階段時會更順利哦!
9. The illustrations of a picture book help children understand what they are reading and allow young readers to analyze the story. When children are having difficulty, the illustrations can help them figure out the meaning of what they are reading. The illustrations are also a powerful way to help English learners comprehend the story.
圖像理解和記憶. 不認字, 也可以清楚知道和分析繪本要表達的內容.
8. Children love art. Why do you think they spend so much time coloring, drawing and doing crafts? Whatever the reason children are drawn towards a book, it’s a means to get them to read.
繪本深具藝術價值. 大部分孩子們都喜歡畫畫, 只要和畫畫或勞作有關係的東西, 孩子們應該都會被吸引, 充滿圖畫的繪本當然就很容易吸引孩子們進入閱讀的世界囉.
7. Language: Picture books allow children to practice the sounds of language and as parents it’s our responsibility to introduce new and interesting words at every opportunity. The rhythm and rhyme in many picture books make for great read-alouds and children learn words more easily when they hear them spoken often.
孩子的語言能力. 繪本的設計有很多都可以幫助孩子語言學習和成長, 身為父母要多利用繪本介紹更多新字和有趣的字彙給孩子們, 讓孩子語文發展的聽和說可以更容易和快樂.
6. Repetition: The repetition in many picture books allows a child to participate in the story. Young readers get excited when they can anticipate a forthcoming line and children learn skills like phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension and fluency.
重複性. 對較小的讀者, 重複性和有趣的韻文算是滿重要的因素, 因為可以讓孩子們更容易理解和參與, 也會很有成就感哦!
5. Picture books are multi-sensory, which aids a child’s growing mind and stimulates their imagination. Not only do the children hear the story, they see the illustrations, and smell and touch the pages.
繪本不只是用來增加孩子的語文學習和閱讀良好習慣, 繪本也同時激發孩子的感觀, 幫助他們身心成長, 或刺激豐富的想像力. 想像力真的很重要!
4. Picture books can be a useful tool for teaching the concept of cause and effect. Before reading a picture book to your children, tell them to listen for key words such as because, so, if, then, as a result of, etc. These types of words can usually be found in a story that has a cause and effect relationship. Learn more in this article at the Writing for Children Center: http://writingforchildrencenter.com
這點和英文學習比較有關係. 利用閱讀繪本來理解因果關係的字眼, 如 because, so, if, then, as a result of ...
3. Picture books help develop story sense. Children learn the beginning, middle and end of a story and can often relate to the age-appropriate issues and conflicts presented in a picture book.
2. Picture books allow an entirely different, more interactive communication between parent and child. Picture books allow parents to spend time talking with their children about the story, pictures and words. This interaction builds reading comprehension. Picture books allow you to talk about what you see on each page, so be sure to talk about what happened in the story, ask about the characters, how they are feeling, and events that took place.
這點是我目前最重視的. 多和孩子共讀, 增加和孩子的互動和討論, 這種寶貴的時光雖然短暫, 但對孩子日後人格各方面的成長卻有著深大的影響力.
1. Picture books are fun and the key is to always make the reading experience fun and a time to look forward to. Reading should never be perceived as a chore. If you make reading a chore early on in a child’s development, they might grow to resent reading. Children who don’t naturally progress from picture books to chapter books may translate reading into working – more specifically, working that isn’t much fun.
千萬不要讓閱讀變成一種工作. 享受關讀才是重點. 養成閱讀習慣是很重要沒錯, 但這是一條很久遠的路, 千萬不要為了閱讀而規定孩子像在作家事一樣, 這樣日後孩子可能會討厭閱讀, 那就太可惜了
It’s unfortunate that parents are pushing their kids past picture books, just as some turn up their noses at graphic novels and magazines. It’s important to encourage your kids to get their hands on everything they can, including picture books, comics, and even kid-friendly websites. It doesn’t matter what they read as long as they read and children who learn to love books will be children who grow up to be good readers.
結語太重要了, 閱讀是一件開心的事, 不要給您的孩子定時程表, 或"階段表", 只要孩子想看書, 這就是件值得鼓勵的事, 即使是本漫畫書也是本書呀, 是嗎?
讓孩子愛上書本, 自然而然得他們就會是喜歡閱讀的好讀者囉~ 加油!