Chi's 雖然不是英文補習班, 但我們所有的讀本都是英文著名讀本, 所以除了希望大家能了解故事書要傳達的重點外, 當然也會想要大家在閱讀英文讀本同時, 順便把英文學好.
學英文對台灣人來說, 除了多認單字, 再來最令人害怕的可能就是文法了.
那麼, 在Chi's 讀故事書, 除了學到很多有用單字以外, 也會對文法有幫助嗎? 我個人當然覺得有呀, 而且是"了解"文法, 而不是像我們八股學法,先背再說.
我說了算嗎? 當然不行呀! 但是, 希望以下這篇文對您有幫助囉!
Can children learn grammar just from reading books?
'There's plenty of evidence that the best children's books contain all the grammar young readers need. They also make learning enjoyable – unlike textbooks'
(有許多證具說明, 對於小讀者們, 優良的童書包含了所有他們所需要的文法知識. 不像教科晝, 童書不僅具文法學習, 更讓閱讀變成一種享受) -- 光副標題就讓我興奮不已呀!
The new grammar test is certainly receiving a lot of attention and, as is always the case when a new assessment is imposed, there is pressure on teachers to teach specifically for it. However many, or even most of them, would agree that the best children's literature will demonstrate to a child all they need to learn – and in a much more sophisticated and subtle way.
Children's writers relish using language well; of course they do, that is an essential tool of their work. Spelling, punctuation, regular and irregular verbs and everything else about grammar underpin all that they do. (It is odd that anyone thinks it doesn't.)
And that doesn't just apply to fiction. It is as true in picture books. In Key Stage 1, when the scope for teaching grammar on its own is very limited, teachers can do so easily by using a wonderful picture book such as Cressida Cowell's elegantly and inventively written That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown, which effortlessly introduces a series of adverbial phrases including "A few weeks later", "An hour or so later", and so on. These provide children with examples of uses of grammar in a creative way which will then be easily absorbed into their own writing.
In Key Stage 2 there are endless examples of authors using grammar just as the text books say it should be used. Some, such as Dick King Smith, who learnt his English grammar through the classics, hark back to the Latin sentence structure – anyone reading his best-selling The Sheep-Pig will recognize the subordinate clauses so popular in Latin writing.
Others who know the rules may also choose to break them; Frank Cotrell Boyce tells Cosmic through the voices of children, and adapts his grammar to reflect their speech patterns.
If in doubt and nervous of trusting their instincts, teachers and parents should look at the considerable research around the subject. See, for example, S. Krahsen in The Power of Reading: "When children read for pleasure, when they get "hooked on books", they acquire, involuntarily and without conscious effort, nearly all of the so-called 'language skills' many people are so concerned about: they will become adequate readers, acquire a large vocabulary, develop the ability to understand and use complex grammatical constructions, develop a good writing style, and become good (but not necessarily perfect) spellers." --> 這對 non-English speaker 的我們或許不見得能達到100%的功效, 但經過一些學習技巧的解釋, 一樣可以成為 adequate reader. 重點是 get the readers hooked on books.
He continues: "Although free voluntary reading alone will not ensure attainment of the highest levels of literacy, it will at least ensure an acceptable level. Without it, I suspect that children simply do not have a chance."