這篇翻譯報導的原出處如下, 有興趣的人可以好好看一下.
我看完的感想是, 無論是有文字的繪本或是無文字的繪本, 千萬不要只是"唸完就算了", 唸故事的過程中, 要不斷的丟probing questions 和孩子一起討論,
問問他們, 你覺得小豬接下來會怎樣? 你覺得恐龍會哭嗎? 你覺得接下來該怎麼做呢? 唸完故事也要問問他們學到了什麼? 喜不喜歡這個故事呢? 為什麼?
在這個複雜的語言過程中, 會有效幫助孩子的語言能力, 和自我表達的能力.
我們給孩子的input 雖然重要, 但我個人是更期待孩子的output, 越有趣越可愛, 越異想天開越令人開心, 讓他們在自己的閱讀世界裡picture their own picture, 不是很開心嗎?
Reading wordless storybooks to toddlers may expose them to richer language, study finds
WATERLOO, Ont. (Wednesday, April 17, 2013) – Researchers at the University of Waterloo have found that children hear more complex language from parents when they read a storybook with only pictures compared to a picture-vocabulary book. The findings appear in the latest issue of the journal First Language.
“Too often, parents dismiss picture storybooks, especially when they are wordless, as not real reading or just for fun,” said the study’s author, Professor Daniela O’Neill. “But these findings show that reading picture storybooks with kids exposes them to the kind of talk that is really important for children to hear, especially as they transition to school.”
The study, by Professor O’Neill of the Department of Psychology at Waterloo, and Angela Nyhout, a graduate student, recorded 25 mothers while they read to their toddlers both a wordless picture storybook and a vocabulary book with pictures.
“What we found was that moms in our study significantly more frequently used forms of complex talk when reading the picture storybook to their child than the picture vocabulary book,” said Professor O’Neill.
The researchers were especially interested in looking at the language mothers use when reading both wordless picture storybooks and picture vocabulary books to see if parents provided extra information to children like relating the events of the story to the child’s own experiences or asking their child to make predictions.
“So, when reading the picture story, we would hear moms say things such as ’where do you think the squirrel is going to go?’ or ’we saw a squirrel this morning in the backyard.' But we didn’t hear this kind of complex talk as often with vocabulary books, where mentioning just the name of the animal, for example, was more common, “ said Professor O’Neill.
The results of the study are significant for both parents and educators because vocabulary books are often marketed as being more educational. "Books of all kinds can build children’s language and literacy skills, but they do so perhaps in different ways," said Professor O'Neill. "It’s exciting to find that even short wordless picture books provide children with exposure to the kinds of sophisticated language that they will encounter at school and that lay the foundation for later reading development.”
A Research Development Initiative grant, which the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada awarded to Professor O'Neill, supported this research.